A Safer Place for Everyone

Lis Biotech Laboratories combines agility, reliability, and accuracy in the analysis needed

We are part of a living and dynamic microscopic world.
Detection and quantification of environmental microorganisms allows us to know about our surroundings.
With that information we may take actions to live in a safer place.

To compare molds detected in ERMI, HERTSMI-2, and FUNGITEN visit LISBT_List of Molds



Lis Services

genetic testing, gene panel, genetics
microscope, learning, children learning

Once the order is created, you will receive your sampling kit in 3-4 business days (*). You can request a shipping label to support@libt.com for sending us your sample at no additional cost, this return service takes between 3 to 4 days (If you prefer to use another mail service to send your sample to our lab, please mail it to: Lis Biotech, 4242 Medical Drive, Suite 7325, San Antonio, Texas  78229). Once your sample is received at Lis Biotech, our laboratory will process the sample in the time chosen by you (Same Day, 1, 2, 3 or 5 days) and a report will be sent to you via email.

Lost Sample Disclosure: Lis Biotech is not liable for any packages lost in transit to our laboratory. This a rare occurrence, however if this occurs Lis Biotech accepts no liability. We have no connection with any of the courier companies. If you do not wish to use the USPS return postage provided by Lis Biotech, you may choose another carrier of your preference at your own expense.

Consulting DisclosureLis Biotech is an environmental laboratory, aiming to provide our customers with agile, reliable, and accurate results. Our team can explain to you the basis of the test. However, we do not directly offer any type of consulting, remediation and/or health advice, or interpretation/guidance of your results. To establish an action plan based on your laboratory results, please contact a professional specializing in CIRS, a remediation specialist, mold inspector, or other environmental professional. Although we do not have any affiliations, our company will happily suggest a list of professionals to contact.

AGILITY. Best technology and partnerships to deliver results fast and smoothly.

RELIABILITY. Committed with quality and high work ethic. 

ACCURACY. Precise and reproducible results.


Terms & Conditions

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